Transmutating the elements since 2020 to brew the most mind-blowing experiences, expertly hand crafted from extracts of our own blood, sweat and auras.

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Transmutating the elements since 2020 to brew the most mind-blowing experiences, expertly hand crafted from extracts of our own blood, sweat and auras.

No longer content to trade in tindertwigs from his smoky basement, Games Alchemist was created by Tobias Johnson. As bastion of the arcane arts of game design, its mission was to find those who answer to a deeper calling and unleash their combined power to create that which is truly greater than the sum of its parts.

Based in the mythical yet very real country of Wales, Games Alchemist has an abundant supply of dragon parts, daffodils and male tenor voices allowing us to keep production costs to a minimum.
During his previous years of questing and adventuring, Tobias Johnson has gained many accolades of which the welsh bards sing fondly.  He has been hailed as a young entrepreneur, though now he is grizzled and wizened. He has slain the fabled Welsh BAFTA and brought home its head to display for the amusement and delight of the common folk. These are but a few of his mortal achievements.
The Alchemists

level 90 psychonaut

level 90 moonshine alchemist

level 90 chief heavy metallurgist

level 90 dimensional excavator

level 90 master of illusions

level 90 apprentice intrigue crafter

Summon Us


Focus your thoughts and intentions, be they good or ill towards Games Alchemist and fill in the chronicle to summon a response.

(Please note it may take several days for Games Alchemist to craft a response, patience elixirs may be purchased in the store).