During his previous years of questing and adventuring, Tobias Johnson has gained many accolades of which the welsh bards sing fondly. He has been hailed as a young entrepreneur, though now he is grizzled and wizened. He has slain the fabled Welsh BAFTA and brought home its head to display for the amusement and delight of the common folk. These are but a few of his mortal achievements.
- 2017 Bafta Best Game
- 2015 Microsoft Greenshoots Award
- 2013 Wellcome Trust Award
- 2011 Future Entrepreneur Award
Tobias Johnson, founder of Games Alchemist Ltd and co founder at Dojo Arcade Ltd has collaborated with Microsoft, Wellcome Trust, Creative Wales (The Welsh Government) and S4C and through this built a network of publishers through attending Eurogamer, Earls Court, Play Expo, Manchester, Game Connection, Paris, Wales Games Dev Show, Insomnia, N.E.C and Rezzed at the Tobacco docks London in the ID@XBox area. Showing Creature Battle Lab, to the press, public and potential publishers.