LEVEL 90, Moonshine Alchemist

Raised by gunslinging bald Eagle hunters in the wild West and later fostered to a tribe of native digital shaman, George Lancasters unconventional upbringing set him on the path to becoming High translator of the codex. Fluent in the obscure languages such as C++, C# and Java, he is a 20+ year veteran of his Arts, serving on campaigns such as Uncharted Golden Abyss, Frostfall and Red Dead Redemption. His special attributes include skill with the workings of navigation and artificial intelligence, a talent of which he has plied for many a triple A company. His enthusiasm and belief in the project underway at Games Alchemist has set him to task as lead programmer.
- Rockstar Red dead Devolver
- Rockstar Table Tennis
- Uncharted Golden Abyss (PSP)
- Midtown Madness 2 (PC)
- PlanetSide 2 (PC)
- Resistance Retribution (PSP)
- Starship Troopers Mobile Infantry (Mobile)
- Frostfall (Mobile)
- Comic Boy (Mobile)
George Lancaster was instrumental in the core development of the RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) that is used on the highly successful GTA and Red Dead Revolver games as the principal programmer responsible for AI and navigation. He went onto Sony where he again did the AI, navigation, and general gameplay for Uncharted Golden Abyss a highly successful sequel to the Uncharted series on the PSP Vita. Before joining us he was working as a freelance “fixer” for studios both large and small working for Sony, Disney, Bill Gates Foundation, Gameworks, Fermilab, and Novint to name a few.